This is the official PikaQR Genrator API. Integrate QR codes into your system or
workflow. This API is perfect for creating QR codes in svg format.
We cache your qr code image files for 5 minutes on our server. After this
time the qr code image will be deleted
from the server. A free user allows only 10 requests per 1 minute via the api
Please note that this resource is under development and can be changed without notice.
Create any custom QR code with this API. You can access this endpoint with POST and GET request.
All Parameters need to be added in the single URL.
Request Method:
Request URL:
Request Parameters:
"bodycolor":"#000000" // optional
"bgcolor":"#ffffff" // optional
"size":"300" // optional
"data": {
"image": "",
"body_color": "#ffffff",
"bg_color": "#000000",
"size": 300,
"type": "svg",
"created_at": "2023-12-01 11:12"
"message": "success"